Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Break!

I was so excited for spring break, just to take a vacation from the non-stop studying I feel like I've been doing.  On Tuesday Sophia was over so I thought I would do this activity that I saw on  Kelly's Korner  blog.  Someone said that they let their kids play with finger paints in the bathtub.  So I thought it would be a fun thing to do since it is still too cold most days to play outside.  They loved it!!

The proud artists.
Notice that Sophia has a small amount of paint on herself, and my daughter misunderstood when I said finger paints...she must have heard body paints.

On Wednesday Avery and I headed to Virginia.  Greg had to work so he came later the next day.  We were there to spend time with our good friends Kris, Sara and their daughter Izzy.  We used to spend a lot of time with Kris and Sara when we lived in Chesapeake, and miss spending time together like the good old days.
Avery killing time before we got on the airplane.

On our first flight, we had the row to ourselves. 
We flew out of the Akron/Canton airport which is much smaller than the Cleveland airport.  It is much less busy, but somehow I was still stopped for a complete security pat down.  Avery was not a big fan of all the attention we were getting.  Once we were no longer considered potential terrorists, we killed some time playing in the Step 2 toy area.  I was able to pull her away with just a minimal amount drama in time to catch our first flight to Detroit. We had a short layover there.  I had toys, dvd's and lots of snacks but somehow forgot to pack lunch.  But I got lucky and found an uncrustable and banana.  It worked out perfectly.

We had a wonderful time in Virginia just getting to spend time with the Wilson's.  We also had a small get together one night which gave us the chance to catch up with some of our other friends. We even had time to drive past the townhouse we still own in Virginia.  Everything seemed to be ok.  Of course I never think it is being taken care of as good as I would like.  I just need to be thankful it is rented.  I hope that one day soon the economy will turn around so that we can sell it.  I have always thought it was cute, in a good neighborhood and a great location but it is just something else for me to worry about since we live so far away.

The girls had so much fun driving this huge cart around Farm Fresh.

The girls ate at this cute table. 

Izzy sharing her new tricycle with Avery.
Unfortunately we brought our lovely Ohio weather to Virginia.  It was cold most of the time we were there. Not was you picture when you say "Spring break",  but we made the most of it.  We cooked dinner at home, and just enjoyed spending time together.  One day we decided to go to the aquarium.  I was suprised by how much Avery seemed to enjoy herself.
The girls spending some time on the deck.

Avery loved the aquarium!!

Love this picture!

Izzy and Avery loved this part.

Bath time was their favorite thing to do!!
I want to thank Kris & Sara for treating us like family.  They are great friends, and wish that so many miles didn't seperate us.  Hopefully that won't always be the case.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Heart the Vintage Pearl

I would love to have something like this with Avery's name on it.

I know it has been forever since I have blogged, but I promise I am (slowly) working on a spring break post.  On another favorite jewlery blog is giving away a $100 gift certificate.  I could spend lots of hundreds in her store.  I hope to one day buy myself something nice from her shop, but for now I'm hoping to win a gift certificate. Stop over and enter too....

The Vintage Pearl blog