And now for our blog worthy news...
Only Child |
until July 2012 |
This is how we broke the news that Avery is going to be a big sister this summer! It took some just a short time to catch on to what her shirt said, and others a little longer. It was fun to see everyone's reaction!
I found a version of this shirt on Etsy from zoeysattic. Greg loved the "Only child" idea, but I wasn't a fan of the characters on the one listed. However, Erin at zoeysattic was awesome with my requests during the busy holiday season.
For Avery's announcement I made three separate calendars one for Greg's mom, his dad and one for my mom. Each was completely custom to them with their pictures, except on each July we had a picture of Avery's first ultrasound. Making one shirt was far easier and far cheaper!!
2012 has started out great already with a Michigan State win in triple overtime!!! Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year!!