Monday, January 2, 2012

Blog worthy news...

I can't believe I haven't blogged since last April! I started this blog so that all of our far away friends and family could keep up with Avery.  I am terrible about downloading pictures from my camera, which in turn gives me a reason not to blog.  Who wants to read a blog without pictures?? Although I'm not big on New Years resolutions, one that I am making is to download my camera pictures more often.  Hopefully that will mean one less excuse not to blog.  I will have to overcome my learning curve on my Mac computer.  I have had this computer since September, and still don't know quite how to use it.

And now for our blog worthy news...

Only Child

until July 2012

 This is how we broke the news that Avery is going to be a big sister this summer! It took some just a short time to catch on to what her shirt said, and others a little longer.   It was fun to see everyone's reaction!

I found a version of this shirt on Etsy from zoeysattic.  Greg loved the "Only child" idea, but I wasn't a fan of the characters on the one listed.  However, Erin at zoeysattic was awesome with my requests during the busy holiday season. 

For Avery's announcement I made three separate calendars one for Greg's mom, his dad and one for my mom.  Each was completely custom to them with their pictures, except on each July we had a picture of Avery's first ultrasound.  Making one shirt was far easier and far cheaper!! 

2012 has started out great already with a Michigan State win in triple overtime!!! Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year!!