Saturday, July 25, 2009

Good Friends

Last night we had our friends over for a little get together. It was a "meet Kayla and Avery, and celebrate our friends Laura and Mark's engagement" type party. Kayla was born one day after Avery. No one had met Little A yet because she spent all of her time in the Special Care Unit at the hospital . So it was our first chance to show off our beautiful little girl. This get together at our house was definitely different than anyone at our house before. Before I would have made sure the house was spotless, would have had an extensive food spread, and had drinks chilling in the cooler before. That was pre-Avery :) This time I did not stress as much about cleaning the house. I figure what gets cleaned will get cleaned. The rest my friends won't care about. I made two dishes and asked everyone to bring something of their choice. Which worked out well, there was still plenty of food. I totally fell short on making sure that we had enough plates and plastic ware. A minor little detail...But all turned out.

Avery did very well except every time I turned around she needed another bottle. Where does she gets her appetite?...oh that's right...her father. It was so nice to hang out with our friends and to hear the beginning plans for Mark and Laura's wedding. I never want to wish time away, because I know that it will go by quickly enough on it's own. That being said, I still look forward to the day when Kayla and Avery are a little older and can enjoy each others company.

Not sure what our plan is for today. It is suppose to be a gloomy, rainy day. We were going to go shopping for new sheets for us, and look at maybe an activity mat for Little Miss. I do know that we will be home by 4 to watch the Tigers.

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