Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My first post

I have talked about starting my own blog for months now. Since we live so far away from most of our family and friends, I thought it might be a good way to communicate what is going on in our lives and a way to keep up with Little Miss Avery. So why did it take me months to finally take the big blogging leap??? A blog name of course :) It had to fit us (Greg, Avery and myself), couldn't be boring, etc. Our Sweet Life kind of fits that criteria. Our life has definitely been much sweeter now that we are officially "three" and the "Sweet" kind of plays on the fact that both Greg and I are diabetic.

Today Avery and I said goodbye to my mom. She came all the way from AZ to meet her newest grandaughter. We had a great time while she was here. She made us several dinners to fill our freezer, helped with Avery so I could get some things done around the house, and was great company to have around. My mom and I haven't lived in the same state for 5 years, but it is still very hard to say goodbye. I wish we didn't live so far away.

Here are some pictures we took during her visit...
In Hudson...

Playing dressup...

Just hanging out...

I won't even get into the nightmare day of shopping with Avery. Let's just say that my usual shopping buddy took a turn for the worse. I wasn't sure we would ever make it home. But now she is peacefully sleeping in her swing. You just have to be thankful for the little things I guess.

I hope to do a descent job of updating this blog for all our family and friends. I can't promise that my spelling or grammar will be correct, but I hope to document what is currently going on in Little Miss' life. Be patient with me as I learn to post pictures and more...

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