Thursday, May 13, 2010

Show Us Your Life: Favorite Books

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

These days I'm either reading my text books for class, or reading to Avery. So I am going to share with you my favorite books to read to Miss Avery.

Honestly, we read this book almost every single day. And if she is upset in the car-I just recite from memory to calm her down.

This book has special meaning in our house. For some reason everyone has the nickname...Stink or Smell or Stinky Pants. But even if you don't have such crazy nicknames, this is a good book to read! I don't own this book now, but growing up this was one of my most favorite books to read. Grover is such a lovable blue monster.

I love to read but I'm not very good at picking good books, so I am lazy and read Nicholas Sparks books. They are a quick read and although they are all rather similar, I get caught up in the stories. However, probably one of my most favorite books that I have read as an adult is the Memoirs of a Geisha. I loved the story. The book is SO much better than the movie!!


  1. I have been wanting to read Memoirs of a Geisha.

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  3. Love your header pic! So cute! Became a follower!

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